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Meet Deb


Owner & Trainer-Instructor

​Hi! My name is Deb Caggiano (Pechatsko). I am 51-years old a wife, married to my extremely handsome, hardworking hubby Greg; mother of 2 sons Johnny (27), Noah (24), and two amazing stepchildren Mario (23) and Mya (21).  My life is full of ups, downs, smiles, tears and endless amounts of love that I want to share!! Now, why do I own and operate a fitness studio? Hitting Rock bottom led to having the biggest wake-up call!! 
I believed for years the bad stuff people said, I was bullied, made fun of, and ignored which led me to create a false image of myself. I had zero confidence, let alone a clear path of how to plan a future, rise above, or let go of others' opinions. I figured life out as I went along, stumbling, falling, failing, and ultimately wanting to end my life. And I tried. I share this because I have found in my life that the people who are the most real, most relatable,  and approachable, have treated me the best and taught me so much. I want to be that person for someone. 
I was diagnosed with anxious agitated depression and extreme anorexia nervosa. I was losing my hair, weak as ever, and weighed in at my lowest at 83lbs. It is horrifying to see pictures today and shocking that at the time I believed I was fat and not worthy of food. I only ate to keep my family happy and to be able to function. Food was my enemy and working out was an outlet for me.  Finally, I listened to friends and family- asking me to EAT!! to be healthy. I listened to their genuine concerns that I was killing myself slowly. I was. I started clinical therapy and have continued this therapy for 21 years now! It took time because I was arrogant and my ego needed to be checked. But I was always humble with God and honest. I had a very long chat with Him, journaled my heart out, and ultimately made the decision that I would never look back: I would change lives. It may sound cliche, but I have and continue to do so today. 
I started my career one certification at a time and continued to grow my resume to 21 certifications in group exercise, personal training, and nutrition.  I have worked at countless gyms, studios, and rec centers throughout my career. I opened my first studio in August 2010, outgrew that space very quickly, and moved to our current location. I opened a second studio in 2017  in Warren, Ohio… six-month lease… lesson studio is enough!! After 20 years of certifications, training, and continuing education classes, I landed myself in 2015 at Youngstown State University pursuing a degree...literally any degree. Now the final goal is DTR (dietitian technician registered). 

I am honored to have each and every, client,  member, and fellow Instructor part of The Classroom Elite (formerly The ClassRoom Aerobics and Training Studio).  The Classroom Elite is a private wellness facility focusing on strong relationships, challenging workouts, nutrition, and a true family environment with no judgment, no competition! See you in class and thank you!


My Vision-Mission 

To create lasting relationships through fitness education, group exercise classes, group training, and nutritional guidance. I am a graduate of YSU and ASU holding a bachelor's degree in food science. It is a mission of mine that all humans be the best versions of themselves and learn to cope in this hard life through healthy life style choices and surround themselves with like minded individuals. We are all better together. 

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